WINTER 2021-2022

So what the heck is this you may ask. A family in Acton, Indiana has been building this “ice tree” since 1961. I can’t imagine how much time and effort they must put into it. They build a structure beneath it, add some branches, build up the ice layer by layer, carve out their shapes and add color and lighting. There is no admission and they do not accept donations.
This picture will give you an idea of its size.
This is Seven Pillars Nature Preserve which is near Peru, Indiana along the Mississinewa River. These breathtaking formations were created by wind and water eroding the limestone over the centuries.
They are considered to be sacred by the Miami band of Indians who still hold ceremonies there.
This guy doesn’t exactly look like Rudolph.
A couple of interesting Reindeer facts:
In North America, Reindeer are called Caribou if they are wild and Reindeer if they are domesticated.
Reindeer hooves expand in summer when the ground is soft and shrink in winter when the ground is hard.
Both male and female Reindeer have antlers.
Reindeer can reach a speed of 31 MPH.
Some Reindeer subspecies have knees that make a clicking noise when they walk so the animals can stay together in a blizzard.
Some North American Caribou migrate over 3,000 miles a year – more than any other land mammal.
This year the holidays weren’t back to normal, but we were able to get together with everyone for at least one of the three holidays. It was a lot better than just seeing each other on zoom like last year.
Thanksgiving marks the official start of silly hat season which seems to run through New Years.
Dave and Courtney with their silly hats.
Tom and Kaiyla with their silly hats.
Baxter and Gilmore with their silly hats.
Gertrude with her silly hat.
Our neighborhood looked very festive with all the Christmas lights.
These bears were Barb’s birthday present. Years ago, I gave her one of the light-up deer as a joke. Much to my surprise she loved it, so we’ve been building up our outdoor collection. When I was checking out with the bears, several of the cashiers were oohhing and ahhing over them and wanted to know where they were in the store. Sadly for them, I got the last ones.
There were marathon jigsaw puzzle contests.
Done at last!
Barb’s brother Hubert still hasn’t grown up.
There was lots of drooling going on. Isn’t it food yet?
Our niece Erin has 2-year-old and 4-year-old girls who are non-stop motion and very fun. Everything is so exciting to them.
Katie wasn’t going to miss a single drop of chocolate in this bowl.
Katie teaching Barb how to dance.
Our families have big rivalries involving finding strange gifts for each other. This year’s winner was “Hide A Poo” which are shaped like rocks. You put them over the poo rather than pick it up.
Hide A Poo even comes with seasonal options.
I think my son was trying to send me a message.
We’ll end with a couple of really bad Christmas puns.
We hope all is well with all of you and that you had a great holiday season!
Peter Cober