WINTER 2019/2020

Christmas is exhausting, so many people for me to entertain.
The snow came early and hard this year. This picture was taken in early December.
It’s amazing how much context affects your view of things. In early December this seemed very pretty, by mid-March not so much. It seemed like we were getting a blizzard every other day from early November through mid-January.
I had to shovel a path through Gilmore’s pen so he could do his business. This was mid-December.
This was mid-January. Barb was in our driveway where the plow pushes the snow. By then we had started checking into getting a back hoe to move the snow someplace because we were almost out of space for the plow to push it. Then we got very little in the second half of January through mid-March.
I’m not sure why Christmas brings out so much silliness in people but this is the time of year that all the strange hats, sweaters, and toys come out.
Barb somehow talked me into putting on a “loosey moosie” onesie. The boys each got one too.
I’ve always said that if adults had more toys the world would be a happier place.
How can you not smile at a Saint Bernard singing Blue Christmas?
In mid-December, Presque Isle has an old fashioned Christmas celebration with horse drawn sleigh rides, s’mores, and a big bonfire. There is sledding and skating under the lights and lots of tasty treats from the Lionesses. We also launch Chinese wishing lanterns. This year the weather was about perfect, temps in the low 30’s and light snow. We helped decorate the park for the celebration. It really is a lot of fun watching the kids playing.
Ed and Earle are the horses that pull the sleigh.
Chinese wishing lanterns are ingenious. You would think they’d be a fire hazard but they’re not. They keep going up as long as the candle is burning. When they do come down there is nothing left to catch on fire.
On our trip to Indy for Christmas we noticed that trucks have changed their message. On the back they used to have signs saying “caution this vehicle makes wide right turns”. The messages have now become more colorful.
There are a whole series of these sayings.
Our Christmas was is in Indianapolis with Barb’s two sisters and her brother, assorted nieces and nephews, our two sons and their wife/girlfriend. This year there were 15 people and 5 dogs.
It’s kind of strange to think that Barb and I are now “the elders”. How did that happen?
Our dogs are very much a part of our holiday celebrations. Sophie is the black boxer and is Barb’s sister’s dog. She is about 4 months old and doesn’t understand proper respect for her elders. Missy, sitting with her, is our nephew Sean’s dog.
Our son David and his wife Courtney’s dog is named Baxter and he is now about a year old. He is nonstop energy.
David attracted the whole herd.
You’ve got to love T shirt humor. This was my present from my brother in law Hubert.
Barb’s friend Meghan gave her a toothbrush that sings a Justin Beiber song.
Gilmore got a squeaky lobster toy.
Barb’s sisters with a singing bird.
Notice anything strange about the glass on the right? There are a bunch of cocktail glasses and wine glasses you can buy that are off kilter.
This picture was taken a couple days ago. The trumpeter swans coming through on their migration north means spring isn’t far away.
Hope all is well in your worlds!
Peter Cober